Saturday, November 29, 2014

Hanaford plots NEW strategy with OLD colleagues

Dave Baskin
Philadelphia, Pa 19111-2884
September 25, 2014

To whom it may concern:

I first met Brian Hanaford at the World Congress on Disability in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he was displaying his unique car. I was struck by the concept of the adaptive stock car and the possibilities it held for the nations population who have a disabling condition.

I offered to help in an advisory capacity and traveled to a variety of events that Brian conducted. As I interacted. I became aware of his genuine passion to make this project serve as many people as possible. He proved open to suggestions and not afraid to try new ideas that would improve the car as an educational tool.

I will continue to assist Brian in any manner possible, as I believe this to be a very important and worthy project that can benefit many people.


Dave Baskin

Sport Chairman International Paralympic Committee (1996 - 2000)
Founder/Manager NRA Disabled (shooting) Services Department (1994 – 2007)

Member Wheelchair Sports USA Hall of Fame

Monday, September 29, 2014

Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness going for Gold

Brian Hanaford 
859 River Rd
Plymouth NH 03264

To whom it may concern:

I first met Brian Hanaford at the World Congress on Disability in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he was displaying his unique car. I was struck by the concept of the adaptive stock car and the possibilities it held for the nations popukation who have a disabling condition.

I offered to help in an advisory capacity and traveled to a variety of events that Brian conducted. As I interacted. I became aware of his genuine passion to make this project serve as many people as possible. He proved open to suggestions and not afraid to try new ideas that would improve the car as an educational tool.

I will continue to assist Brian in any manner possible, as I believe this to be a very important and worthy project that can benefit many people.


Dave Baskin

Sport Chairman International Paralympic Committee (1996 - 2000)
Founder/Manager NRA Disabled (shooting) Services Department (1994 – 2007)
Member Wheelchair Sports USA Hall of Fame

Friday, July 18, 2014

Brian E. Hanaford
859 River Rd
Plymouth NH 03264

Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness will do some off track testing at Next Step Bionics and Prosthetics in Manchester NH with a group of disabled vets in mid August. 
Easter Seals agreed to provide media and fund raising support of the event designed as a pit stop before testing on a New Hampshire track in mid August.  
Video of the event will be available for present at American Legion 96th National Convention which will be held August 22 - 28, 2014, in Charlotte, North Carolina. 
American Legion National Adjunct David Wheeler suggested department heads help Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness achieve a few elementary steps in order to gain national interest. 

Easter Seals Veterans Count program will provide media support and filming in order to promote driving experience with same veterans that complete Alfa testing. NH venues are being considered at a variety of oval tracks and road courses. Comes down to who invites us or opens the door.
Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness founder Brian Hanaford explains, "Sure its our GOAL to have New Hampshire Motor Speedway embrace this effort and consider participating in this program to support disabled veterans and physically challenged civilians.  Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness would love to launch a video presentation on NHMS BIG Screen, drive a pace lap prior to the UNOH truck race with a disabled Veteran in the worlds only "arrive & drive" racecar for disabled vets and physically challenged civilians....NASCAR or ACT icon like Dave Dion, Jennifer Fitzgerald GettyMike OlsenRichard Childress or Richard Petty riding shotgun as the honorary driving instructor.
Hanford continues, "The reality is this isnt about racing, this "IS" about living and regaining mobility to reintegrate into society. This is one simple step  along journey called life. This is a Magic Moment to share Freedom, Hope and Opportunities with newly injured lying in a hospital bed and making the traditional mental list of things they cant do any longer.  ... life isnt over post injury - its a NEW beginning, and this is OUR road map to mobility."  
Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness share resources and recreational opportunities that reach far beyond the boundaries of any speedway with muscle powered activities such as snow skiing, biking, hockey, basketball etc. Some may want to spectate, others may want to participate, but all need mobility incentives to get where they want to go....ambulatory or physically challenged, its all the same -mobility freedom is the segway to improve independence and quality of life.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness UPDATE

Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory conducted a project to investigate the value of a motion based simulator in teaching vehicle control for off-road driving conditions. A primary goal was to reduce accidents caused by the loss of control of high center-of-gravity military vehicles in situations normally not found in the civilian driving experience. This 12 million dollar study generated data to assess the effectiveness of simulator training for developing vehicle control skills.

AM&W (Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness) plans to share 12 million dollars worth of information, in order to reduce accidents and save lives of teenage drivers. AM&W realize changing the face of drivers education as we know it today will not be an easy task, However the statistics and strategic plan are solid. The plan is to cross reference 12 million dollars worth of research and relationships in order to compare vehicle control aspects of the training to determine if the trainee acquired the necessary muscle memory to correctly implement the various vehicle control steps involved in the maneuver.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration acknowledge driver education programs taught in public schools are ineffective and antiquated program. However, AM&W documented results that prove simulator driver education develop safe-driving habits and decision-making skills in safe and secure environments. This intervention prevents student drivers from becoming overwhelmed trying to process traffic rules, recognize traffic signs in realistic high-density traffic situations. Simulation technology has been used to train pilots, soldiers, and police academies throughout the country. 
Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness signed a Proprietary Information Agreement (PIA) regarding discussions on simulation for returning soldiers and teen drivers. Past relationships and contacts rallied together to develop vehicle control, training procedures and techniques common to high-performance oval track and road course professional drivers. Together, We are considering car control techniques that are useful in civilian vehicles that can be that can be driven in a wide variety of road and traffic conditions, simulator instructor can manipulate the scenarios and parameters at any time during the driving session to help accommodate specific individual training objectives and most importantly the instructor can playback a scenario and use it to “teach” a correct response to a situation. Knowing how to swiftly react to sudden friction changes, road depressions, or soft shoulders is essential to retain vehicle control. This simulator has been shown to enhance the basic vehicle control skills needed to succeed in these conditions. By recreating unexpected situations, drivers can develop rapid responses automatically through muscle memory.
Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness partnered with a driving skills school develop vehicle control training procedures and techniques common to high-speed and performance that competition drivers and first responders engage in on a regular basis.  We are investigating car control techniques that could be useful in controlling civilian and passenger vehicles on public highways to implemented in an automated simulation training environment. 
Driver performance will then be compared against untrained drivers executing the AA maneuver in a real vehicle. We developed a set of objective assessment metrics specific to the vehicle control steps trained that we hoped would tell us if the simulator training was effective. The work here presents the metrics measured and shows the trends between the trained and untrained drivers using those metrics. 
 The work described here spans a two year period where students train using Accident Avoidance (AA) scenario in a simulator with emphasis on the steps necessary for vehicle control throughout the maneuver. The goal was to use the simulator to develop muscle memory in the students so the necessary driver inputs would become automatic during the real vehicle tests. 
The first year 
  • 10 students will be  trained by an instructor using the L-3/VXP simulator powered by running L-3 or CarSim DS software. 
  • The students will attended a 30 minute class every week for a total of 10 weeks. 
  • The training will focus on vehicle control and various weight transfer techniques as well as practice in the AA maneuver itself. 
  • These 10 trained drivers get compared against 10 untrained drivers in a real vehicle running the same AA scenario. 
The second year of testing is sustainment training. The goal is to determine if short infrequent training sessions could sustain the necessary skills to perform the AA maneuver correctly. 
  • 5 trained students from the first year’s testing will be given approximately 10 minute long refresher session in the simulator, with an instructor, once every three or four weeks over a 7 month period. 
  • These five students will then be compared against five untrained drivers in real vehicle tests. 
  • In both cases the students are people both physically challenged and ambulatory, male and female, military and civilian, young and old, professional and civilian drivers. All have driven for most of their adult life. 
Strategic plan is to research & identify state and government funding resources accessible via BAA announcements, Department of Defense SBIR/STTR grants, private & corporate funding partners in order to eliminate the collection of useless information 
I flat lined before, i know its pretty lonely crashing without any plans, resources or direction. Team O'Neil based in NH pioneered this program designed to save military lives,  For AM&W the time to change the face of drivers education is NOW, everything and everyone feel right! 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Adaptive Motorsports And Wellness: reclaiming independence and fulfilling dreams!

Brian Hanaford 
859 River Rd
Plymouth NH 03264
William Cheney has had mobility issues all of his life. Like any other young man, he loves sports! His favorites are football, (Go New England patriots!) baseball, (Gotta love those Red Sox!) and Nascar. He dreams of being able to play with those teams, or race alongside his favorite drivers, Jimmy Johnson, Jeff Gordon, and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. He collects posters and memorabilia and is a very enthusiastic fan.
Until recently, Bill met Brian Hanaford, the owner and inspiration behind Adaptive Motorsports and Wellness. After a brief telephone conversation, Brian invited Bill to his home to see his race car, and what a car it is!
The side panel lifts off and the protective cage swings out enabling a person on crutches or in a wheelchair easy access to the rotated drivers seat.
The car is further equipped with hand controls just below and to the left of the steering wheel, and a push button automatic transmission. Although most race cars do not have a passenger seat, this car does. With a second set of controls, this feature allows virtually everyone the opportunity for a hands-on driving experience. "I've always wanted to drive a race car! It's been my long-time dream", Bill stated.  
On May 23, Bill got the opportunity to sit in the race car and rev the engine. "That was great, to hear the engine roar and know that I was the one causing that to happen was fantastic! I'm hoping that we can get some track time and I can drive it!" Bill says.
Brian Hanaford believes with his car that this can become a reality for Bill. His program, Adaptive Motorsports and Wellness, was created to allow people like Bill the opportunity to experience the thrill of being in a race car. He also sees people with acquired spinal cord or leg injuries learning to drive again and get their mobility and independence back. With the use of simulators to reintroduce the driving experience, impaired drivers can learn the use of the hand controls and practice, creating muscle memory which will transfer into the car. 
New Hampshire's Bill Cheney registered to drive Adaptive Motorsports and Wellness signature product, the worlds first and only “Arrive & Drive” for disabelled vets and physically challenged civilians.
Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness (AM&W) is a for profit business in Plymouth NH that provides product and services for disabled vets and physically challenged civilians. AM&W appeared several times on national television, culminating with a feature story that won 2012 National Motorsports Video of the Year and 2013 Scientific Paper from Dr Jeffrey Heckman that brought credibility to the program. VETERANS DAY NATIONAL AWARD WINNING VIDEO OF THE YEAR:
Hanaford spent 4 years working with family, friends and sponsors to develop branding and awareness for legal properties.  Several groups such as Army Corp of Engineers Cold Region Research Engineering Lab have conducted studies to measure results and benefits of on-line driver training that yield HUGE results that included civilian benefits as well.
The driving simulator, powered by, offered fun and recreational shared activities. Developing hand eye coordination and muscle memory was a GREAT therapeutic value, but was counter productive at times as far as developing life saving driving behaviors in real world activities. Its easy enough to cross over the line, crash, and hit the reset button in the virtual world.  VETERANS DAY NATIONAL AWARD WINNING VIDEO OF THE YEAR:
This is to big a deal to do alone, We need help to accomplish together, what would be difficult to achieve individually.  Atty Jack McCormack shared a story about a Harvard student that designed a plan commonly refereed  to as the "Three Day Bike Ride For AIDS" or "Three Day Walk For Breast Cancer".
Both programs raised millions of dollars to benefit the cause. Adaptive Motorsports & Wellness designed the "CHALLENGE" , to follow in the foot print of Dan Pallotta's plan,. The difference is customized to rehabilitate and regain mobility needed to reintegrate into society. (SAMPLE)
"CHALLENGE" is looking to cross promote the "CHALLENGE" and reward participants that reach fund raising goals,  with fund raising gifts such as driving a racecar, ski vacations, kayaking etc. Top Notch Tree Services are the first to help Bill reach his goal and live a dream. visit us at